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Choosing a foldable ebike that you will want to ride everyday

Choosing a foldable ebike that you will want to ride everyday

If you could purchase a fold-able e-bike that was so comfortable, so nimble, so intuitive, and so perfect in form and fit, would you want to ride that e-bike more than a regular bike you purchased at a garage sale? What if that e-bike was so well tuned, and so perfectly fitted that whenever you started riding it, you started feeling good – almost as though you were on some natural high of your own making. Would you ride it more?

What if in a year, your attachment to your e-bike was so strong that the thought of losing it scared you? What if the ride was so perfect that you were certain you would never find another fold-able e-bike like it again? 

Does this sound like a crazy scenario? If it does, then you clearly have not ridden a perfectly designed and professionally fitted bike. It’s as though you are riding on air - completely suspended with no discomfort and ever movement feels effortless. Nothing feels strained or uncomfortable whether you are pedaling or coasting.

And that’s our mission.  We strive to find the perfect bike for whatever your chosen goal.

Blix Vika+ The Voltaire CyclesPurchasing an e-bike is not like purchasing a car where the seat angle can be adjusted to suit your driving posture. A bicycle has a  lot less material between you and the road. Consequently, the frame alignment, tire width, wheelbase length, handlebar height, saddle shape, frame material, braking components, drive train all make an enormous difference in the quality of your ride. Adding an e-bike motor, and a battery don’t lessen poorly designed or poorly assembled e-bikes. Instead, they amplify those problems.  A poorly built, and poorly fitted e-bike will grow tiresome very quickly after the thrill of the assist and the reality of the comfort truly sink in.  The bike will be noisy, uncomfortable, and feel like a giant hunk of parts being powered by an motor without any regard to your needs.

On the other hand, a great e-bike that is professionally fitted to you will make riding for a couple hours seem like a quick 10 minute lap around the block. 

Guess what? The cost difference between a cheaply produced and assembled e-bike and a professionally assembled and fitted e-bike are almost identical. Knowing which is which what you should look for to find that perfect e-bike is what I'm about to share with you. Our guide is very simple and easy to apply to any e-bike you might find on the web.

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We’ve developed a first-time buyer’s guide with insider trade secrets and practical questions which you can use to find the perfect ride. If you’d like to learn exactly how to find, evaluate, test, and ultimately choose a folding e-bike (or any e-bike) that you will love riding each and every day for the rest of your life, then subscribe to our exclusive offer below. You won’t regret it. By subscribing to this one-time exclusive offer, you will also receive a $100.00 gift certificate good towards any purchase of any e-bike from The Voltaire Cycles. How does that sound?

You don’t have anything to lose, but you have everything to gain. Just subscribe and you will receive individual chapters ahead of the complete E-Book (set to be published in Spring 2018) along with a gift certificate for $100. From there, you can begin your research to find the perfect foldable e-bike and develop the confidence you’ll need to make the investment.


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